Rabu, 24 Ogos 2011

presentation about food ..

Rabu, 20 Julai 2011

presentation green enviroment

Selasa, 19 Julai 2011

    Do you know that deforestation could bring a bad phenomena towards us? Could you imagine that if  you were a tree? I would be so sad because I unexpected that I cannot live longer like others tree. I feel so unlucky because I had been cut with inrespondsible people who not loves me.What will happened to my friends that always  accompany me all the time. Sometimes the sound of bird is make me intertained. What will happened to other animals? They will lose their habitats and it will be danger to surrounding. I have  imagine what will happened or what my place  will look like after they cut me and destroyed my home. White space will appear and blank, no more any natural beauty that bring an oxygen to person who has destroyed me and friends. Currently, big changes will occur because of  development of building and population of people become increased equal to rapid development  and I am so sad my friends missed their habitats and also me. If you can hear my feel I would like to advice you, please do not cut me as often without cares about the mutured period of me, and I begging you please think about the population of animal  that you had been destroyed. Don’t you realizes that the source of oxygen that you need is from us? If you save the green environment around you, this show on how you appreciated the natural beauty you will become a great forest savior because you can save me and friends also realizes that I is one of country properties that you should care.

                                                                                                      Created by,
                                                                                           Angry Bird…

Jumaat, 10 Jun 2011

Micheal bubble- Home..

This song  about the singer which  far a million away from his home and his lover. Summer day and winter day has comes and past in Paris and Romes but he still there and feel alone even though surrounded by a million people. The singer perhaps to go home because he missed someone for along time. He have been keeping all the letters that he wrote for her but he know that is just not good enough for his lover and she deserve to get more than that from him. He always looks an aeroplane fly over the top on sunny day, will feel so lucky because he will go home soon.
sometimes he feel like living in someone else life but he stepped outside his sadness and think that everything is going alright. He mention that why his lover could not come along with him because this is not her dream  but she always believe him as well even far away. After the singer had done his job he will be home tonight to see someone that he love and missed .

Ahad, 5 Jun 2011


Do you know that most of these quick and convenient meals contain high amount of sodium, which increases and aggravates the risks of high blood pressure. According to the recommendations of the National Research Council of the National Academy of Sciences 1,200 - 1,500 mg of sodium is the daily sodium requirement for adults. Keeping these figures in mind, you should also know that the regular table salt that we consume contains 40% sodium and a single teaspoon of table salt contains 2,300 mg of sodium. Although the body requires minimum quantities of sodium, too much sodium contributes to high blood pressure. Sodium can also lead to building-up of fluids in case of people who are suffering from people with congestive heart failure, cirrhosis, or kidney disease.

logo of most popular fast food in malaysia.

Ahad, 29 Mei 2011


     Old people was practiced a various of customs in the superstitions belief. Where the faith is specifically made for a particular rule among the Malays people or in other community.

     There are some common superstitions as we always hear,
young ladies should not singing while cooking because they will asking for aged husband. But despite the truth, When they are singing and not paying attention to cooking at the same time, might mix up and end up doing some kind of awful tasting dish or accidentally cause fire. That is why they not allowed to do so.

     For kid, do not open an umbrella at home because A snake would came out from the inner centre of the umbrella. But the truly is to prevent someone from getting a poked-eye. The kid under the umbrella may accidentally use the tip of the umbrella to poke someone's eye behind him.

     Beside that, we are not allowed to sit on the pillows to prevent from our backside would be swell. Well, pillows are for our heads, surely it will damage if we were sit on the pillow. When the pillow is damage at all it not comfortable like before.

    The common superstitious sounds like if you accidentally bite your tongue, it means that someone is speaking ill of you. But for me this showing that we should eat properly and slowly seems to be more polite and the food does not spill from plate.

     Currently for muslim believe that they are not supposed to play outdoors especially for kids during Maghrib (during sunset). Because around that time is the time when there are the most ghosts wandering around and for ghost during sunset is a morning for them.

       Generally, I do not trust in whatever superstitions comes, whether from others religion like Buddhist, Indian or Chinese. We should be very particular on what we do. In my opinion, most of the superstitions is such like a rules that include the thing that we should do or do not do it.

   Example of most popular superstitions among malay

nabila rahman  

Sabtu, 21 Mei 2011


Road accident is a global problem in the world. It has been reported to be raising in trend. In Malaysia, it represents a major public problem because of high number of victims involved. Road traffic accident victims and families suffered severe complications. Road traffic accident is a serious impact in one’s life. All of us must take a precaution while on the road and follow the rules to overcome this problem.

Education is very important. Learning on basic safety and rules while one’s on the road can be implemented in schools. In the other hand, intensive and more stringent rule should be practiced in all driving schools.

Improving road condition is also crucial Attention to road surface and type of bitumen should be given priority. In addition, a good road side lighting will also help to reduce this problem. The authorities also should put signs at strategic locations to warn drivers about the possible incoming dangers related to the roads. This can slow down the vehicle’s speed.

Current road traffic laws need to be reinforced. For examples, high speed express bus driver should be banned from driving by removing their driving license or to be jailed.
In other instance, the authorities can implement campaigns to the public to instill more awareness. ''Traffic Safety and Road'' campaign may gives better morale and good values among the public. Finally all road traffic users must comply to the road rules so that accidents can be reduced.

    nabila rahman